

The simplest WordPress starter theme including Tailwind CSS, Sass, PostCSS, Autoprefixer, stylelint, Vite, ESLint, imagemin, Browsersync, etc.

  • GitHub release
  • license GPL 2.0 or later
  • node >= 12.0.0
  • npm >= 6.9.0
  • Use this template
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Quick Start

1. Download Bathe or generate a new repository with Bathe

Download Use this template

2. Unzip the file or clone the repository into your WordPress environment

3. Change directories into the Bathe folder

cd /path/to/bathe

4. Install Node.js dependencies

npm install

Or with yarn:


5. Install Composer packages (Optional)

composer install

6. Modify the proxy of browsersync in package.json for your environment

The default proxy is localhost:8888 for wp-env.

For example:

  "browsersync": {
    "proxy": "your-site.local",
    "port": 3000

7. Start developing

npm run dev

Or with yarn:

yarn dev

Configurations and Defaults

You can modify the configurations by editing config in package.json.


"config": {
  "browsersync": {
    "proxy": "localhost:8888",
    "port": 3000
  "image": {
    "src": "src/images",
    "dist": "assets/images"
  "js": {
    "entry": "src/js/main.js",
    "output": "assets/js"
  "css": {
    "src": "src/sass",
    "dist": "assets/css",
    "style": "compressed",
    "map": "--map"
  "tailwind": {
    "src": "src/tailwind/tailwind.css",
    "dist": "assets/css/tailwind.css"


  • Bathe doesn’t load the default theme stylesheet style.css by default.
  • You can use Bathe without Node.js (Sass, Vite, Browsersync, etc.) just like other themes. Nothing else is necessary except WordPress environment.